It’s gone from WIP (Work in Progress) to an FO! (Finished Object) Woot.
I added a third layer, as suggested in the tutorial I listed on the previous post and it was plenty poufy, so I ripped out the tulle and set it aside for another future project.
Instead of using plain black lace, I used a ribbon that had black tulle attached.
I used the same material as the body of the bustle for the waist band and gathered it to cinch together in some random spots to match the thrown together look of the three layers. I used my sewing machine on the ties on the ends and then hand sewed the middle part- it was really thick!
I can tie the ties together, but since I don’t want to use it for anything other than a bustle skirt, I may sew some buttons or snaps to keep it in place instead. The fabric is pretty thick so tying it doesn’t look that great.
Tune in next time for Fun with Tutus! :-)
U rock Nat!